Pictured: Volunteers at Symphonic Adventures 2024
MISSION STATEMENT: “The mission of the New West Symphony League is to build and strengthen the New West Symphony community by providing volunteer and fundraising support. The League complements New West Symphony’s mission statement for the educational development and musical enrichment of the communities we serve.”
Welcome to our website! Please scroll down to browse Dates For Your Calendar, Volunteer Opportunities, how to join the New West Symphony League or renew your membership, and more!
Questions? Contact Us at newwestsymphonyleague@gmail.com OR leave a message at (805) 435 2781
Pictured: from L to R Fundraising dinner at Sterling Ranch, Moorpark; League volunteers at NWS promotional table, Camarillo 60th birthday 2024: POYC fundraising event at Lake Sherwood
🎶📯NWS LEAGUE 2025📯🎶
WEDNESDAY, 12 MARCH, 1.00PM - League Monthly Meeting
THURSDAY, 13 MARCH, 4-6.30pm - JOIN US at Cafe Ficelle, 1712 E Thousand Oaks Blvd, Unit C to visit with our League Volunteer Coordinator, Larry Gomberg, and his lovely wife, Diane!
QUESTIONS? Please contact us at NewWestSymphonyLeague@gmail.com or (805) 435 2781
Would you enjoy hosting a NWS artist at your home over a concert weekend? Contact NWS General Manager, Sasha Gurevich for more information at agurevich@newwestsymphony.org OR (805) 435 2776
We invite you to join us! It’s a wonderful way to promote the musical arts in Ventura County, and to make new friends!
Membership renewal takes place in January each year, but you may join at any time. The membership fee you pay is a direct contribution to funding League events, in particular the Annual Orchestra Appreciation Dinner, thereby supporting New West Symphony and its education programs.
Annual Dues: Individuals $35 Couples $65 Click here to join or to renew your membership online! OR call the New West Symphony Office at (805) 497 5880
Questions? Contact Vice Chair Membership Marilyn Sutton at (805) 368 2818 xmarileigh@me.com
Click here to LEARN MORE ABOUT NWSLeague!
Pictured: Annual Orchestra Appreciation Dinner 2024
Click on the Event for more information (event dates and information are subject to change). Some events are “under construction” and information will be provided as it becomes available.
If you are interested in volunteering at any of these events, please contact the League’s Volunteer Coordinator, Larry Gomberg at 1 (847) 401 0113 or sixtieskid@sbcglobal.net
(Larry lives 2 hours ahead on Chicago time! He asks that you don’t call him after 6pm California time. No time restrictions on emails. Thank you!!)
2025 New West Symphony 30th Anniversary!
New West Symphony’s 2025 Masterpiece Series
Wednesday, March 12, 1pm, League Monthly Meeting
Thursday, March 13, 4-6.30pm, Meet League Volunteer Coordinator, Larry Gomberg at Cafe Ficelle, Thousand Oaks
Sunday, April 27, Laby Harmony Celebration Brunch
Saturday, May 3, NWS promotional table at the Simi Valley Street Fair
Sunday, June 29, Summerfest at Rancho de las Palmas, Moorpark
The League holds 10 meetings a year. Please, join us to help plan future League events! Meeting details are emailed to members.
Meetings are held in-person and on Zoom. They take place at 1:00pm on the second Wednesday of each month, except for July and August.
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New West Symphony League, 2001 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. newwestsymphonyleague@gmail.com OR leave a message at: (805) 435 2781
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